Reflection on Game development and game design

Beginning this year, I started making small video games. I learned how to make these video games from two courses at SJSU, Game Design, and Game Development.

In game design, I learned the process of making video games and how to analyze them. I learned the history of video game. And I learned how to make games in Unity. In game development, I learned how to use math, such as vectors and transformations in my games. I learned basic 2D animation and timing, collision detection, particle dynamics, systems, and effects. I learned how to make 3d games with cameras, lighting. I learned complex collision methods such as using octrees for efficient searching of vertices.

It has been really fun going through the design process of making video games, especially with Lorenzo’s Adventure. The early alpha and later alpha play tests were very informative and the students gave great feedback. I have learned so much about OpenFrameworks and Unity this semester. And I’ve worked on 5 small games in total.

I believe everyone should give game developement a try. I never would have thought that I could make 5 games in under half a year. I was definitely inspired by the Twitch Streamer and YouTuber, Pirate Software. If you haven’t heard of him, ya’ll should give some of his YouTube shorts a watch. They are very inspiring.

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I’m Jonathan. I love programming, playing video games, and computers.

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